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Terms of Use

Please take the time to carefully read and understand the following terms and conditions and disclaimers before using this website, as they hold legal significance. By accessing, browsing, or using this website and utilizing any program, product, course, or service offered by Gardener Senthil, you are acknowledging and agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.

​Gardener Senthil offers information on as a public service. These terms of use outline the rights and obligations of visitors, viewers, and users (“you”) of the website and/or any users of the company’s free or paid programs, products, courses, or services.

Generic Disclaimer

The information presented on this website is provided to you in its current state and is intended for general informational purposes. Although we make efforts to ensure the content’s quality, we cannot guarantee that it is accurate, comprehensive, up-to-date, timely, relevant, or free from errors, whether typographical, technical, informational, or related to pricing. This applies regardless of any negligence on our part. By using this website or any of our Products, you acknowledge and accept that your use is entirely at your own risk.

Denial Of Professional Counseling

This website does not provide professional counseling, and your use of this website does not establish an expert-client relationship between you and us. The information presented on this website, or any derived from it, should not be considered a replacement for, and should not be relied upon as, legal, tax, real estate, medical, financial, risk management, marital, or any other form of professional advice. If you need such advice, it is essential to seek the guidance of a licensed or knowledgeable professional in the respective field before making any decisions or taking action.

Your Accountability

You have the responsibility to ensure that you independently verify and confirm the accuracy of any information you decide to rely on, access, or take action upon from this website or our Products. We cannot be held accountable for how you use the information obtained from or accessed through this website or our Products. It is important to note that any opinions expressed on this website are solely the personal opinions of the author and may not necessarily align with the views of the Company.

Third-party Links

Our website may include hyperlinks, banners, or advertisements that lead to third-party websites for your convenience. However, we cannot be held responsible for any content found on or accessed through these third-party links. The provision of these links does not imply our endorsement of the third-party website or any products or services offered on it. We have no control over third parties and assume no responsibility for any third-party websites or the products or services they provide, even if you access them through links on our website. If you decide to visit a third-party website, you do so at your own risk.

Endorsements Disclaimer

This website may feature testimonials from users of our Products. It’s important to note that each testimonial represents the personal views, opinions, or experiences of the individual providing it and does not necessarily reflect our own views or opinions. You should not rely on any testimonial as a guarantee of specific results or outcomes. The results and outcomes experienced by others may not be replicated in your case.

We do not independently verify the accuracy of the information provided in testimonials, and we cannot guarantee its reliability. Minor corrections may be made to testimonials for spelling, grammar, or clarity, but they are generally presented exactly as we received them. It’s also important to understand that we do not compensate individuals for providing testimonials.

Associate Disclaimer

This website may include links to associate websites. If you click on and/or make a purchase through an associate link on our website, we may receive compensation, such as a small commission, without any extra cost to you. Please be aware that all links on our website should be assumed to be affiliate links. It’s important to note that our use of affiliate links does not affect the products, services, or websites that we recommend to you.

This disclaimer applies to all forms of communication we use to interact with you, including this website, email, phone, social media, our products, and any other means.

Copyright Policy Statement

On our website, we may utilize copyrighted material without obtaining explicit authorization. We do this based on our belief that such use falls within the fair use provisions outlined in the copyright law.

Amendments To The Disclaimer

We retain the right to modify this disclaimer without prior notice to you. Any changes will be communicated by indicating the effective date of the latest version at the beginning of this page. Once posted, the updated Disclaimer will be immediately effective. It is your responsibility to regularly check for updates. By continuing to use the website and our products following any amendments to this Disclaimer, you indicate your acceptance and agreement to be bound by the revised terms.

Conditions To Use Website

We have established a set of guidelines, referred to as “Guidelines,” to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. By visiting or using the website or any Product, you agree to adhere to these Guidelines, which are outlined below:

  • Compliance with applicable laws is mandatory.

  • You are prohibited from sending, emailing, or making available any information or content that infringes upon any intellectual property rights or violates any contractual or fiduciary relationships.

  • Engaging in fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive behavior, including impersonation or falsifying associations, is strictly prohibited.

  • Harassing, demeaning, threatening, defamatory, explicit, abusive, vulgar, hateful, obscene, indecent, or objectionable material or behavior is not allowed.

  • Disclosing the personal information of others is prohibited.

  • Activities that may limit or impact the use or enjoyment of the website and/or Products by others are not permitted.

  • Unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, as well as sending spam, is prohibited.

  • Unauthorized access to any part of the website or Products is strictly forbidden.

  • Engaging in or encouraging activities that violate laws, result in criminal offenses, lead to civil liability, or infringe upon the rights of third parties is not allowed.

  • Transmitting materials containing harmful elements, such as viruses, trojan horses, adware, or other harmful programs or code, that may interfere with or harm our systems is prohibited.

  • Conducting market research or research intended to benefit competitors is not permitted.

  • Using any automated query program without our express written consent, including bots or spiders, is strictly prohibited.

  • Blocking or covering advertisements on the website is not allowed.

  • Once you send, email, or make available any material, except for personal information covered under our Privacy Policy, we reserve the right to display, repurpose, or use the material in any way.

  • If you become aware of any violation of our Guidelines, you are required to notify us using the provided contact information.

We reserve the sole discretion to deny you access to the website and any Products at any time and for any reason.

Proprietary Assets

The website, its content, and all Products, including videos, coursework, training modules, photographs, sound recordings, images, digital content, free downloadable material, software, text, graphics, and other materials, are owned or licensed by the Company and are safeguarded by various forms of intellectual property rights, such as copyright, trademarks, design rights, database rights, and others.

While you are allowed to access and view our exclusive resources for personal and non-commercial purposes, you must comply with the following guidelines:

  • Our proprietary assets must be kept intact, including the appropriate copyright and other notices pertaining to intellectual property.

  • Without explicit written consent from us, you are prohibited from engaging in activities such as reproduction, resale, distribution, public performance, creation of derivative works, translation, transmission, posting, republishing, exploitation, copying, or utilization of our proprietary assets for commercial or non-personal purposes.

The authority to engage in actions such as reproduction, resale, distribution, public performance, creation of derivative works, translation, transmission, posting, republishing, copying, or usage of our proprietary assets solely rests with us and is subject to our discretion. If you have any inquiries, kindly reach out to us using the contact information provided.​

Denial Of Any Warranty

Your utilization of this website and any Products is entirely at your own risk, as the website and our Products are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We do not provide any express or implied warranties or representations concerning the website, its content, and our Products, including but not limited to guarantees of title, merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement of third parties’ rights. Furthermore, we do not provide any express or implied assurances or representations that the website will function without errors or that the website, the relied-upon servers, our Products, and any content are free from computer viruses or other potentially harmful or destructive elements. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties. Consequently, some of the exclusions mentioned in this section may not be applicable to you.

Immunity From Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company and all related parties, including our directors, contractors, successors, joint venture partners, shareholders, agents, affiliates, officers, employees, assignees, and licensees, shall have immunity from liability for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, or other form of loss or damage. This includes, but is not limited to, damages such as loss of profits, goodwill, business interruption, use or loss of data, or any intangible losses that may arise directly or indirectly from your use of or inability to access this website or any Products, or your reliance on any advice, opinion, information, representation, or omission contained on or received through this website or any Products.

This immunity from liability applies even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages occurring and regardless of whether the liability arises from tort, negligence, breach of contract, or any other legal theory.

Hold Harmless Policy

You shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Company and our affiliates, as well as our respective directors, contractors, successors, joint venture partners, shareholders, agents, affiliates, officers, employees, assignees, and licensees, harmless from and against any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses resulting from any suits, proceedings, judgments, demands, causes of action, and claims, including legal and accounting fees and expenses, regardless of whether they involve a claim by a third party. This indemnification obligation arises from, relates to, or results from:

  • your use or misuse of this website or any of our products,

  • your violation of this Agreement, or

  • your infringement of any third-party rights, including but not limited to copyright, trade secret, trademark, right of publicity, privacy, property, or other intellectual property or proprietary rights. We will notify you of any claims and may, at our discretion, provide assistance to you in defending such claims, subject to your payment of associated expenses. We reserve the right to assume exclusive control over the defense of any such claim at your expense, including the selection of legal counsel. You agree to cooperate and assist us in the defense of any such claim.

Restricted Permission

Regardless of any other provisions in this Agreement, if you purchase any Products or download any of our free Products, we provide you with a restricted, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, non-exclusive, and revocable license to utilize or access the Products for your personal and non-commercial use. You are prohibited from reproducing, reselling, distributing, creating derivative works, translating, transmitting, posting, republishing, exploiting, copying, or otherwise using our Products for any commercial or non-personal purposes.

The License granted to you is intended for individual use only. You are not permitted to assign your rights or transfer your obligations under this Agreement. In the event that we become aware of any violation of the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, including the violation of the granted License, we reserve the right to terminate your access to the Products and seek compensation for any damages incurred.

Restricted Data

Please refrain from transmitting, emailing, or otherwise providing any content that includes privileged or classified information.


When you acquire any Product through this website, you are accountable for all relevant charges and taxes. It is your duty to furnish comprehensive, precise, and current billing and credit card details. If you are enrolled in a payment plan or recurring payment, it is your obligation to maintain an updated payment method with us. In the event that your payment method is rejected or expired, you hereby consent to settle all applicable charges and taxes upon request. Moreover, you agree to bear all collection expenses, including but not limited to legal fees, for any outstanding balance.

Website Accessibility

The availability of the website or Products may be periodically limited, for instance, during maintenance or implementation of new functionalities. Your access to the website or Products may also be permanently disabled, should we decide to cease the operation of the website or Products. We cannot ensure uninterrupted access to the website or Products.

Denial Of Refunds

We retain the right to modify our refund policy at any given time. We do not provide assurances of refunds for any of our Products under any conditions. We are of the opinion that our Products offer high quality and are priced reasonably.

Legal Framework

All issues pertaining to or arising from this Agreement shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the applicable legislation, without considering conflicts of laws principles that would necessitate the application of any alternative legislation.

Collective Litigation Waiver

You acknowledge and agree that any dispute arising from or related to this agreement will be strictly between you and the company.

By agreeing to this provision, you waive your right to engage in court litigation or arbitration for any claim or dispute as a part of a collective action. You expressly agree that you will only pursue claims against us on an individual basis, and you cannot bring claims against us as a member of a group or in a representative capacity.

Comprehensive Agreement

This agreement and the privacy policy constitute the entirety of the agreement between you and the company regarding the subject matter discussed herein and therein and overrides all previous written and verbal agreements and commitments pertaining to the same.

Dissolution Of Agreement

We retain the authority, at our sole discretion, to conclude this Agreement and to conclude, limit, refuse, or suspend your entry to the website and all Products at any time and for any reason without advance notice. Additionally, we maintain the right to cease operation of any or all parts of the website or Products at any time and for any reason without advance notice.


If any term or other stipulation of this Agreement is deemed invalid, prohibited, or unenforceable according to the applicable law, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will continue to be fully valid and effective.


Our inaction or delay in exercising any privilege, power, or right under this Agreement shall not be considered a waiver of such privilege, power, or right. Furthermore, no single or partial exercise of any privilege, power, or right shall prevent any other or further exercise of that privilege, power, or right, or the exercise of any other privilege, power, or right.

The subheadings in this Agreement are provided for convenience only and do not define, describe, limit, or expand the scope of this Agreement or the intent of its provisions. They should not be considered in the interpretation or understanding of this Agreement.

The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the successors, heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, and assigns of the Company. This Agreement does not confer any rights, remedies, obligations, or liabilities upon any party other than the Company or its successors, heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, and assigns. You are not permitted to assign your rights or transfer any obligations under this Agreement to any other individual.

In the event that legal action is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the party that prevails shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses, in addition to any other relief granted to that party.

​If you have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us using the contact details provided below.

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