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Refund Policy

We understand that circumstances may change, and sometimes cancellations are necessary. We have established the following refund policy to ensure transparency and fairness for our valued customers:

  1. Services and bookings of customers cancelled 5 days prior to the scheduled event will be eligible for a full refund. We appreciate your consideration in providing us with sufficient notice.

  2. Services and bookings of customers cancelled 3 days prior to the scheduled event will be eligible for a partial refund. In such cases, we will refund half the amount paid for the services

  3. Unfortunately, services and bookings cancelled anytime after 3 days prior to the scheduled event will not be eligible for any refund. This policy allows us to allocate our resources effectively and fairly.

We strive to provide exceptional services and maintain a high standard of professionalism. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding our refund policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.​


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